What Is the NG Tube Feeding Procedure?
Nasogastric (NG) tube feeding is a common medical procedure used to provide nutrition to patients who are unable to eat or swallow. It involves the insertion of a tube through the nose into the stomach, allowing for the delivery of nutrients directly into the gastrointestinal tract.
The key to safe and effective administration of feeding and medication is proper tube insertion. However, achieving accurate placement can be challenging. This could lead to potential complications and risks for patients.
Let us discuss the NG tube placement procedure and explore the possibilities of achieving higher accuracy.
Understanding the NG Tube Feeding Procedure
NG tube feeding is a technique that involves inserting a thin plastic tube through the patient’s nostril, down the esophagus, and into the stomach. The purpose of this is to provide a direct channel for the delivery of nutrition, fluids, or medication. It can also be used to decompress the patient’s stomach.
There are several types of NG tubes available, including Levin tubes, Salem Sump tubes, and Dobhoff tubes. The selection of an NG tube depends greatly on the patient’s needs and the clinician’s preference. Some tubes are designed to minimize discomfort or meet specific dietary needs.
Safety measures during NG tube placement include:
- Monitoring the patient’s vital signs closely.
- Having suction ready for immediate use.
- Confirming the accurate position of the tube before initiating feeding or medication administration.
When the tube is placed incorrectly, administering nutrients or fluids through it can lead to negative consequences for the patient.
NG Tube Feeding Procedure
This NG tube feeding procedure must be performed by trained healthcare professionals, such as nurses or doctors, in a clinical setting.
Before the Procedure
Before the procedure, the medical team checks the patient’s vital signs and examines their nose and throat to ensure there are no contraindications or complications. The NG tube, usually made of soft silicone or polyurethane, is measured from the tip of the nose to the earlobe and then down to the midpoint between the xiphisternum and the umbilicus to determine the appropriate length.
Moving the Patient to the Right Position
The patient is positioned in an upright or semi-upright position to facilitate the insertion. The healthcare professional applies a local anesthetic to the nasal passage to minimize discomfort. Then, they gently insert the lubricated NG tube through one nostril and advance slowly while instructing the patient to swallow or sip water to aid the passage of the tube.
Confirming Proper Placement
Once the tube reaches the stomach, the medical professional confirms its placement by aspiration of stomach contents or by X-ray. They secure the tube to the patient’s nose using adhesive tape or a tube holder. The feeding solution, tailored to the patient’s nutritional needs, is administered through a syringe or a feeding pump connected to the NG tube.
Constant Monitoring
Throughout the feeding process, the clinical team closely monitors the patient’s tolerance and response. Medical staff perform regular checks to ensure proper tube placement, prevent complications, such as aspiration or dislodgement, and maintain the patient’s comfort and safety.
The decision to remove an NG feeding tube usually belongs to the healthcare professional based on the patient’s condition and progress. The specific timing for removal can vary depending on several factors, including the reason for tube placement, the patient’s ability to tolerate oral intake, and the healthcare team’s assessment.
The Importance of Accurate NG Tube Placement
Improper NG tube placement can lead to such complications as aspiration, pneumonia, and esophageal damage. That is why it is vital to check the position of the tube before using it.
pH testing plays a critical role in verifying the correct placement of NG tubes. It involves checking the acidity of the stomach contents to confirm the presence of the tube in the stomach and not the lungs.
RightBioMetrics’ Solution: RightSpotpH® Indicators
The RightSpotpH® Indicator is a product from RightBioMetrics designed to aid in accurate NG tube placement. It is a simple pH testing system that makes safe and accurate NG tube placement easier.
The indicators work by using a color-coded system that displays the pH level of the stomach contents, providing immediate visual confirmation of the tube’s placement.
RightSpotpH® Indicators increase patient safety and reduce the risk of complications associated with misplaced tubes. They are easy to use and can save valuable time in critical situations.
The RightBioMetrics team stands behind the quality and safety of its products. It is committed to developing and delivering innovative solutions that improve patient outcomes. Choosing RightBioMetrics not only means opting for quality but reliability and simplicity as well. Their products are designed to be user-friendly to help reduce stress for medical staff.
Streamlining NG Tube Placement
Ensuring proper NG tube placement is critical for patient safety and the effective delivery of nutrition and medication.
With tools such as RightSpotpH® Indicators, you can minimize the challenges of accurately placing NG tubes while increasing efficiency and patient safety.
We encourage all healthcare providers to consider incorporating RightBioMetrics products into their daily practice to improve patient care and ease their workload. Content us today to schedule a live demonstration.