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pH is the Global Standard for Confirming NG/OG Tube Placement

RightSpotpHยฎ Published Studies



โ€œPediatric Nasogastric Tube Placement and Verification: Best Practice Recommendations From the NOVEL Projectโ€ Sharon Y. Irving, PhD, CRNP, FCCM, FAAN1,2; Gina Rempel, MD, FRCPC3,4; Beth Lyman, RN, MSN, CNSC, FASPEN5; Wednesday Marie A. Sevilla, MD, MPH, CNSC6; LaDonna Northington, DNS, RN, BC7; Peggi Guenter, PhD, RN, FAAN, FASPEN8; and The American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition; Nutrition in Clinical Practice Special Report

โ€œNew Opportunities for Verification of Enteral tube Location (NOVEL) projectโ€ Novel News Aspen January 2018

โ€œThe Story of a Nasogastric Tube Gone Wrongโ€ Deanna Visscher, Patient Advocate

โ€œConfirming Feeding Tube Placement: Old Habits Die Hardโ€ BPA PSRS Patient Saf Advis 2006 Dec;3(4):23-30.

โ€œMany Hospitals Still Employ Non-Evidence Based Practices, Including Auscultation, Creating Serious Patient Safety Risk in Nasogastric Tube Placement and Verificationโ€ Beth Lyman MSN, RN, CNSC, FASPEN, Christine Peyton MS, Brian Lane, MD., Neonatology Today/July 2018/Vol. 13/No. 7

โ€œRightSpotpH Indicator Now Available & Saving Livesโ€

โ€œSpotlight on Deahna Visscherโ€ Patient Safety Movement, April 2018

โ€œMisplaced NG Tubes A Major Patient Safety Riskโ€ Healthcare Risk Management/Vol. 37/No. 4; 44-45

โ€œNasogastric Tube Placement Verification In Pediatric and Neonatal Patientsโ€ Farrington M, Cullen L, Lang S, Stewart S, Pediatric Nursing/January-February 2009/Vol. 35/No. 1
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โ€œConfirming nasogastric tube position in the emergency department: pH testing is reliableโ€ Stock A, Gilbertson H, Babl FE, Pediatr Emerg Care 2008, 24:805-809
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โ€œHold that x-ray: aspirate pH and auscultation prove enternal tube placementโ€ Neumann MJ, Meyer CT, Dutton JL, Smith R, J Clin Gastroenterol 1995, 20:293-295

โ€œpH and concentrations of pepsin and trypsin in feeding tube aspirates as predictors of tube placementโ€ Metheny NA, Stewart BJ, Smith L, Yan H, Diebold M, Clouse RE, JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 1997, 21:279-285.

โ€œEffectiveness of pH measurements in predicting feeding tube placement: an updateโ€ Metheny N, Reed L, Wiersema L, McSweeney M, Wehrle MA, Clark J, Nurs Res 1993, 42:324-331

โ€œConfirmation of Nasogastric Tube (NGT) Placementโ€ Cincinnati Childrenโ€™s Hospital Medical Center โ€“ Best Evidence Statement (BESt), April 2011

โ€œFollowing the Evidence-Enteral Tube Placement and Verification in Neonates & Young Childrenโ€ Patricia Clifford, MSN, RNC-NIC; Lauren Heimall, MSN, PCNS-BC; Lori Brittingham, MSN, CNS-ACCNS-N; Katherine Finn Davis, PhD, RN, J Perinat Neonat Nurs Volume 29 Number 2, 149โ€“161
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โ€œClinical Practice Guidelines: Gastric Tube Placement Verificationโ€ ENA 2015
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โ€œA Call to Action: The Development of Enteral Access Safety Teamsโ€ Carol Kemper, PhD, RN, CPHQ; LaDonna Northington, DNS, RN, BC; Kerry Wilder, MBA, BSN, RN; and Deahna Visscher, Nutrition in Clinical Practice, Volume 29 Number 3

โ€œNasogastric Tube Management and Careโ€

โ€œResource set Initial placement checks for nasogastric and orogastric tubesโ€

โ€œPaediatric Intensive Care Unit Nursing Guideline: Nasogastric tubes: insertion, confirmation of correct position and ongoing managementโ€
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